Canvas is a cloud-hosted learning management platform that streamlines a collection of digital tools and content for a simpler and more connected learning experience.
Ensure course materials can be used by all students, including those who might have disabilities.
Canvas Assignments is an assessment tool that is part of Canvas.
Canvas Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import and share resources.
Canvas Discussions is an asynchronous discussion board tool that is part of Canvas.
Canvas Files is a Canvas tool that can store content and assignment submissions. Instructors and students access Files through Modules, their user profile and the course navigation button that is within a Canvas site.
A Canvas tool for viewing, providing feedback on and grading student assessments.
Canvas Groups is a Canvas tool that allows you to divide your students into smaller groups for discussions and for collaborative work.
Canvas Inbox allows users to send messages to one another within Canvas.
Canvas Pages is a Canvas tool that can present and store content and resources.
The CRS can be used to combine Canvas courses, assign course users, create a new course, and other Canvas-related tasks.