Canvas account creation and suspension

If you attempted to log in to Canvas and were redirected to this page, your Canvas access has been suspended, removed or has not yet been created.

Student accounts in Canvas are created once a student is admitted, enrolled, or eligible to enroll. Faculty and Staff accounts are created when the hiring paperwork (ePAF) has been completed, and they are within 30 days of their official start date.

When a student, faculty, or staff member is no longer active with the University, whether due to graduation, a leave of absence, or leaving employment, their Canvas account is suspended.

If you previously had a Canvas account, but can no longer access it, please review the following.


 Depending on your need for access to Canvas, do one of the following:

  • If you are in need of recovering your submissions/student work, please reach out to

  • If you are wanting to recover course materials, please reach out to your instructor for that course to make that request.

  • If you need access to a non-credit or organization Canvas site, you can create an Alternative Login for continued access. Please note that any work that you might have completed with your university account will not be migrated to this account.

  • If you need access to a for-credit course for the purpose of completing an incomplete grade, please reach out to and we can help facilitate conversation with the Registrar’s Office.

If you are unsure of how to proceed, please reach out to to explain your specific need for access and we can assist you.


  • Check with HR on your status as an employee. If your status has lapsed, work with HR to be reinstated if you believe this is in error.
  • If you have retired/left the university, but still need access to courses that you taught in the past, you can request a Courtesy Appointment through your department HR contact. Once that Courtesy Appointment has been processed, your Canvas access will be automatically restored within 24 hours. If you are missing any previous courses after you are able to log in, please reach out to to assist in recovering those courses.
  • If you need access to a development site or organization site, you can create an Alternative Login for continued access. Note: Alternative Login accounts can only have a student role in non-credit or organization courses, and cannot be added to any registrar/for-credit courses.

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Alternative Login Canvas accounts may be used for non-university affiliated, external users to gain access to Canvas with all levels of access, except for Teacher.