Understanding Windows recorder hot keys

Windows Recorder Tips

If you would like to minimize the recorder at the start of a recording, first select Capture PowerPoint and then Open a Presentation. The recorder will minimize when the PowerPoint opens and starts recording.  

To minimize the recorder at the start of every recording, go to Settings, then App Settings, then check Minimize when recording. Then click Save.

Start a Recording F8 

When the recorder is open, F8 starts a recording.

Pause a Recording F9

To pause or unpause a recording, select F9. This hot key works even if the recorder is minimized. You will not receive a message that the recording is paused. Panopto continues to record; if you forget to un-pause, you can use the editing function to reveal the paused sections of the recording.

Stopping a Recording F10

F10 will stop the recording, maximize the recording, and open the upload window.

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