Importing a Zoom meeting into a Canvas course

Instructors can import a Zoom meeting that has been scheduled outside of Canvas or in a different Canvas course to another Canvas course. This streamlines the setup process, ensures consistency across multiple sections, and provides students with a uniform experience accessing Zoom within their Canvas courses.

Note: You must be a teacher in both Canvas courses to import Zoom meetings between them.

Note: This process only imports the meeting details, including the meeting ID and scheduling information. Any recordings from the original meeting will need to be manually transferred/added to the other Canvas course, if necessary.

Importing a Zoom Meeting ID in Canvas

Before beginning this process, a Zoom Meeting should be set up in another Canvas course or through a Zoom account.

  1. Go to the Canvas course where the meeting was created and select Zoom from the course navigation menu; or, from your Zoom account, go to your Upcoming Meetings and copy the Meeting ID (see Fig. 1).
    Figure 1: Zoom link and Meeting ID located in Canvas course.
    Figure 1: Zoom link and Meeting ID located in Canvas course.
  2. Go to the target Canvas course in a separate browser window (the one you would like to import the Zoom Meeting), and select Zoom from the course navigation menu (see Fig. 2).
    Figure 2: Zoom link and three-dot icon in course Meeting ID is being import to.
    Figure 2: Zoom link and three-dot icon in course Meeting ID is being imported.
  3. In the target Canvas course, select the three-dot icon to open the menu and select Import Meeting (see Fig. 3).
    Figure 3: Three-dot icon and menu display to select Import Meeting.
    Figure 3: Three-dot icon and menu display to select Import Meeting.
  4. Paste the copied Meeting ID in the text box and select Import (see Fig. 4).
    Figure 4: Import meeting text box to past Meeting ID in and select Import.
    Figure 4: Import meeting text box to past Meeting ID and select Import.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Canvas is a cloud-hosted learning management platform that streamlines a collection of digital tools and content for a simpler and more connected learning experience.
Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing tool you can use to virtually meet with others - either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats, and sharing your screen. It lets you record the meetings to watch later or share with others.