Installing the Panopto mobile app


Panopto has a mobile app for viewing recordings (See Fig. 1 for an example of how the app looks on mobile).

Smartphone with the Panopto app open; the company using it is SellCo

Figure 1: an example of the Panopto mobile app.

  1. Download and install the Panopto app for iPhone, iPad or Android.
  2. Open the app. You'll be prompted to enter the following information:
  3. In the Your Panopto site field, enter  
  4. Enter your SSO username and password on the Sign In page. 
  5. Tap the Sign in button.

You can record from the camera on your mobile device and upload it into Panopto. Detailed instructions for installing and using the app on different devices is below:

See also Panopto's comprehensive documentation on Mobile.

Panopto campus and vendor resources



Article ID: 148
Mon 6/17/24 3:08 PM
Fri 2/21/25 10:42 AM

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