If you are not seeing a Turnitin report after you submit your assignment you may need to wait a little longer or you may have uploaded an incompatible file type. If the paper is a first submission, it can take up to ten minutes to generate. If the paper is a resubmission overwriting a previous submission, the Originality Report may take 24 hours to generate.
If you have uploaded an incompatible file type you may see this error message (See Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Turnitin error message
We recommend that you save your Word files as a .pdf (Windows) and a XXX (Mac) as seen in the images below to achieve a successful upload (See Fig. 2 & 3). Here are further instructions for Windows, Mac and iOS.
Other options are to either convert your image pdf to an ocr pdf or revert back to a standard word document to make your submission. Here are the accepted file types for uploads to Turnitin.
Figure 2: Saving a Word document as a .pdf file on Windows
Figure 3: Saving a Word document as a .pdf file on Mac
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