Lost Card Turned In

What Is It?

When a Tritoncard is turned into the TSC.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty, staff and student

Where Can I Get It?

Email helpdesk@umsl.edu to report a lost card.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. A ticket is generated (see above).
  2. TSC staff updates lost/stolen card field to Y in Entrust/IDWorks.  This is only available to full-time staff in a separate workflow.
  3. An email is sent to student confirming ticket creation (automated when the ticket is created).
  4. TSC staff reassigns ticket to the IDCard group.
  5. IDCard group locks account within RS2 (door access system).
  6. IDCard group locks account within TransactCampus.
  7. Student gets a new card at TSC
  8. TSC staff clears the Y in lost/stolen field in Entrust.
  9. TSC makes a note in the existing support ticket and will notify the owner of the support ticket.
  10. IDCard group clears the lost/stolen flag from RS2.
  11. IDCard group clears the lost/stolen flag from TransactCampus.   Also verify the current/new issue number within Entrust.  There could be up to a 5 min delay before the new issue number/photo is pumped from Entrust to RS2.
  12. IDCard group resolves ticket.