Enhanced Attribute Filters

Using the Additional Filters button allows you to add multiple criteria to filter your list of students.  This feature is available on the My Students and Tracking tabs with slight differences depending on which tab you are on. Adding filters allows you to narrow or focus your student lists based on various criteria, such as attributes, tracking items, or success plans. By narrowing your student lists, you can focus on specific student groups, making it easier to provide targeted support and track progress.

To get started, click Log In at muconnect.missouri.edu.  Use your MU login credentials.

  1. Click the Menu icon > Students > My Students or Tracking tabs.
  2. Click on the blue box labeled “Add Filters” on the right side of the screen.
  3. Click the “Attributes” tab in the box that appears.
  4. Click “Add Attribute” at the top of the “Attributes” tab.
  5. Click on the drop-down box to select the first attribute and the value you are looking for. This attribute will be labeled “1.” This will populate a corresponding number in the logic box.
  6. Click “Add Attribute” again to add another attribute. You can add as many as five attributes at a time. For every attribute added, there will be a corresponding number added to the logic box.
  7. From here, you can change the logic by using “AND,” “OR,” and “().” You can click anywhere in the logic box to erase, update, or delete the logic. Examples of possible filters/logic include:
    1. 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4
    2. 1 AND (2 OR 3)
    3. (1 AND 2) OR 3
    4. 1 AND ((2 AND 3) OR (4 AND 5))
  8. Click “Submit"

Tips for Using Enhanced Attribute Filters

  • Use only a filter’s assigned number, parenthesis, and these terms: AND, OR, NOT
  • “AND” will narrow your results - use AND to join filters that must ALL be true
  • “OR” will broaden your results - use OR to join filters where ANY filter may be true
  • “NOT” will exclude attributes from your results
  • Use () to group or nest filters and when combining AND, OR