Service Catalog

Services (6)

General Questions/Request for Help

Submit a question or a request for help for the MU Connect system.

Report an Issue

Let us know of an issue that needs resolved. Students, Staff, and Faculty use this option to report a system issue, missing information, etc.

Request an Update

Used by staff and instructors to request an update to a Service Page, calendar permissions, user roles, etc.

Access Issue - Students

Students use this to report an issue with accessing the MU Connect system.

New User Request - Staff

New user (staff or student worker) to be added to MU Connect system.
Please complete the myZou Security Request form and send it to prior to submitting the request for access.

Batch Notes

Used by staff to request a batch of notes to be uploaded to MU Connect. Batch notes are currently used for academic action messages using excel spreadsheet provided in documentation of academic action process.