ID Card FAQ's

Q: I lost my card. What should I do?

A: Go to, log in, and click “I lost my card”. This will disable it. If you find the very card you marked lost, log in again and click “I found my card”. Keep it marked lost until you find it, or get a replacement card from the ID Office. Remind us to remove the LOST from your card, please. 

Q: How much does a replacement card cost?

A: The replacement fee is $25, charged to your myZou student account or deducted from your employee paycheck.

Q: I have a Preferred Name in myZou. However, when I received a replacement student ID, my Preferred Name wasn’t on it.

A: The Employee Preferred Name (even if it’s blank) overwrites the Student Preferred Name. So, student employees will need to ask the ID Office to find your Preferred Name in myZou BEFORE your card is sent to the print queue. After that, it’s too late, and there will be a $25 charge to your myZou account.

Q: Do I have to take a new photo each time I get a new card?

A: You may use your old photo for your new card, if you strongly resemble the old photo. This decision is made by ID Office staff.

Q: Can I submit a photo for my replacement ID card?

A: Yes! You can manage your photos in “View My Pictures” on the photo submission page. You will see your current photo, and you may also resubmit a replaced photo. From the main page, you can submit one you haven’t used before.

Q: I’m a Missouri Online student. Can I receive a Student ID Card?

A: Yes! However you will have to come to campus to get it, so we are strongly encouraging students online.

Q: My card is not working at my Residence Hall. What should I do?

A: Call the Residential Life Office at 573.882.4440.

Q: I’m an employee taking classes. Should I get a student ID in addition to my employee ID?

A: No. Employees (MU Campus and Hospital) use their employee ID’s as their student ID’s. Privileges and accesses are applied and removed in accordance with employee status or enrollment status. This is possible, because your PeopleSoft number is your employee ID number, AND your student ID number.

Q: How can I find my student number?

A: In myZou, the path is: Self-Service>Campus Personal Information>Demographic Information.

Q: How can I change my Primary Name and/or Preferred Name in myZou?

A: Find the University Registrar’s policy here.

Q: I’m an employee. My hospital badge does not work for payroll deduct purchasing of prescriptions and over-the-counter items at MU Pharmacies.

A: Payroll deduct at the MU Pharmacies is offered to employees who are 75% FTE or more, and not on Leave status. If you have a Hospital card that is not working for payroll deduct at the Pharmacies, email us at

Q: My entire wallet was stolen, with my Driver License and my Student ID in it. I don’t have money to purchase a new card, and I don’t have my Driver License to show at the ID Office. How can I obtain a new Student ID card?

A: Once we have your photo on file, we use that to identify you. The $25 student ID replacement fee is charged to your myZou account. Driver License and payment are not needed to receive a replacement card. 

Q: I lost my card and purchased a new one. Then, I lost my new card, but found my old one. Can my old card be reactivated?

A: Unfortunately, we do not reactivate cards. If you cannot find the new card, we can print you another one, at the cost of $25 charged to your myZou account (students) or a $25 payroll deduction (employees).

Q: My card works everywhere, except at the Student Recreation Center. What should I do?

A: If you have a membership, bring your card to the ID Office. We’ll test the magnetic stripe, and the iClass chip. If they do not work, we’ll replace the card. If the card has been damaged, you’ll be charged for the replacement. If the card is in good shape, we’ll replace it free of charge due to normal wear and tear. This is determined by the ID Office employee on duty. If the magnetic stripe works and the iClass chip works, you’ll need to report it to MizzouRec Membership Desk, as a new card will not solve this problem. 

Q: My card won’t swipe anymore. What should I do?

A: Bring your card to the ID Office. We’ll test the magnetic stripe. If it doesn’t work, we’ll replace the card. If the card has been damaged, you’ll be charged for the replacement. If the card is in good shape, we’ll replace it free of charge due to normal wear and tear. This is determined by the ID Office employee on duty. The $25 fee will be charged to your myZou account or deducted from your paycheck. 

Q: My card won’t tap anymore. What should I do?

A: Bring your card to the ID Office. We’ll test the iClass chip. If it doesn’t work, we’ll replace the card. If the card has been damaged (hole punched, etc.) you’ll be charged for the replacement. The $25 fee will be applied to your myZou account or deducted from your paycheck. If the card is in good shape, we’ll replace it free of charge due to normal wear and tear. This is determined by the ID Office employee on duty.

Q: My card won’t work to get me into the bathroom in my Residence Hall.

A: Call 573.882.4440, for help with your card in a Residence Hall.

Q: Why doesn’t my new card work at the timeclock?

A: Timeclocks receive new card information at roughly 10:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. If you try your new card after your card information has been received into the timeclock system, it should work. If it doesn’t, your supervisor should contact They may want to know the iClass number from your card.

Q: How do I find the iClass number on my card?

A: The iClass number is underneath the magnetic stripe on the back of the campus cards. The four to seven digit iClass number is preceded by a unique character (*, +, -, etc.) and followed by a space. The iClass number on the card below is 130225.


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